1977-05-06 (The Police)

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1977 05 06 Sting Howard Sherwood.jpg 1977 05 06 Sting Zecca Howard Sherwood.jpg
photos from this concert - photograph by Howard Sherwood www.howard-sherwood.co.uk
1977 05 06 poster Dietmar.jpg
a poster for this concert
1977 05 06 poster back Dietmar.jpg
message from Louie Lepore and Cherry Vanilla on the poster's back
1977 Out Now No 5 report 01.jpg 1977 Out Now No 5 report 02.jpg
a report about this concert - in OUT NOW No. 5
Performance summary
Artist performing: Cherry Vanilla
Tour: 1977 Cherry Vanilla Tour
Venue: Newcastle Polytechnic
Location: Newcastle, England, UK
Support acts: The Police, Penetration
Ticket prices: 0,80 / 1,00 / 1,30 UK pounds

On 1977-05-06, The Police performed at Newcastle Polytechnic in Newcastle, England, UK.


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Recording information

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Earlier that day Stewart Copeland talked to the BBC's Andy Hudson. After lunch and soundcheck The Police returned to Sting's parents. Phil Sutcliffe attended the concert.

Photographer Howard Sherwood had seen Sting many times when he still performed with Last Exit. He was surprised to see him in Cherry Vanilla's backing band and talked to him after the gig. He bought one of the first 50 Fall Out singles - autographed by Sting - for 50p.

See also

External links


sources: Stewart Copeland's diaries; NME - May 2, 1977; Out Now No. 5 review; Broken Music; poster; Howard Sherwood

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