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* [[Sting]] visited Frances' parents in Blackrock some time in March [[1981]]: http://www.independent.ie/regionals/argus/news/sting-hits-the-right-note-on-visit-to-brock-26951911.html
* [[Sting]] visited Frances' parents in Blackrock some time in March [[1981]]: http://www.independent.ie/regionals/argus/news/sting-hits-the-right-note-on-visit-to-brock-26951911.html
* according to Anne Brown on facebook she went to a Marquee gig of the Thompson Twins with [[Sting]], Trudie, Kim and Martin Turner - either on January 5 (Sting probably in Canada then), March 6, April 30, [[1981]] or May 1, [[1981]] (first search)
* [[Sting]] went to Montreal in May [[1981]] to record with Jean Roussel and go ski-ing - (Jean Roussel and Police File no. 13) - probably between April 25 and May 4 - otherwise he would have to squeeze this in somewhere between activities at the end of the month
* [[Sting]] went to Montreal in May [[1981]] to record with Jean Roussel and go ski-ing - (Jean Roussel and Police File no. 13) - probably between April 25 and May 4 - otherwise he would have to squeeze this in somewhere between activities at the end of the month

Revision as of 02:57, 25 October 2018

  • Sting went to Montreal in May 1981 to record with Jean Roussel and go ski-ing - (Jean Roussel and Police File no. 13) - probably between April 25 and May 4 - otherwise he would have to squeeze this in somewhere between activities at the end of the month
  • interviewed in Oakville on 1981-08-23 Andy mentions recording with Robert Fripp in England "next week" and that they had their "first play together this week in New York" (i.e. between 1981-08-16 and 1981-08-21)

--- Andy wasn't attending the Sting / Chelsea gig on 1981-09-18 (as Stewart was), maybe he was still recording with Robert Fripp

  • Andy's photos were shown at "The Gallery of Photography" from Wellington Quay in Dublin. The exhibition "Spaces Between" went from December 7, 1981 to January 3, 1982. A poster / flyer: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=341899326008385&set=gm.10155448101075352&type=1&theater --- Darragh Shanahan from the Gallery remembers that Andy was in Dublin and promoted the event on a TV show called "The Late Late Show" (broadcast on RTE) ... no idea so far if he was there for the opening... In an interview on 1981-11-16 Stewart already mentions that Andy is busy preparing the Dublin exhibition - and that Sting is shooting a movie

(according to online sources the show aired on Fridays)

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