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Sting records Ten Summoner's Tales
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Date: 1992-08-14
Location: Wiltshire, England, UK - Lake House
Attendees: Sting

Sting records Ten Summoner's Tales at Lake House in Wiltshire, England, UK.

In 1993-05 Recording Musician Hugh Padgham tells the story of how the CD was recorded.

The recording took a total of 2 months to complete including variuos breaks (weekends / Sting's wedding). 1992-08-10 is a given as being the first day. Work would start around 11:30am, lunch would be around 01:00pm. The major recording session would take place between 02:00pm and 08:00pm, followed by dinner and snooker. Further recordings went on from 09:00pm until 11:00pm.

Hugh Padgham mentions a "first weekend break", so that the only certain recording dates seem to be those from 1992-08-10 to 1992-08-14.

See also

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source: Hugh Padgham in 1993-05 Recording Musician

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