1993-05 Recording Musician

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Recording Musician
1993 05 Recording Musician cover.jpg
Article title: Sting & Hugh Padgham
Artist or band featured: Sting / Hugh Padgham
Year: 1993
Month: May
Country (or countries) of publication: UK
Language(s): English
Author/interviewer: Richard Buskin
Length of feature: 5 pages + cover

In May 1993, Sting was featured in Recording Musician.


In this magazine Hugh Padgham explains how they recorded Sting's Ten Summoner's Tales, especially If I Ever Lose My Faith In You.

Quotes and noteworthy content

1993 05 Recording Musician 01.jpg 1993 05 Recording Musician 02.jpg 1993 05 Recording Musician 03.jpg 1993 05 Recording Musician 04.jpg 1993 05 Recording Musician 05.jpg 1993 05 Recording Musician 06.jpg

External links


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