
From PoliceWiki

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1983 08 12 photo David Paul Moran.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright David Paul Moran
1983 08 12 ticket.jpg
a ticket for this concert
1983 08 27 Sounds review.jpg
a review of a Hartford concert in Sounds - August 27, 1983
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1983-1984 Synchronicity Tour
Venue: Hartford Civic Center
Location: Hartford, CT, USA
Support acts: R.E.M.
Ticket prices: US$ 15,00

On 1983-08-12, The Police performed at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, CT, USA.


Recording information

There's a recording of this concert.


There were 16.500 people in the audience - sold out.

The band stayed at their mansion on Long Island.

See also

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External links

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source: ticket, Hartford Courant review, I'll Be Watching You, R.E.M website, Kim Turner's itinerary

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