
From PoliceWiki

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1979 11 01 Cactus Records.jpg
a photo from today - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1979 11 01 Palace Sting.jpg
a photo from this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1979 11 01 Palace Stewart.jpg
a photo from this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1979 11 01 Palace Andy.jpg
a photo from this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1979 11 01.jpg
a ticket for this concert
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1979-1980 Reggatta de Blanc Tour
Venue: The Palace
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Support acts: Fàshiön
Ticket prices: US$ 7,50

On 1979-11-01, The Police performed at The Palace in Houston, TX, USA.


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Recording information

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At 06:00pm The Police signed records at Houston's Cactus Records shop.

See also

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External links

more Police tickets, passes and photos on www.rockinhouston.com


source: ticket, photos, Stairway To Nowhere p. 167

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