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The Police watch Star Wars in Paris
an ad in Rock & Folk - November 1977
Date: 1977-10-21
Location: Paris, France
Attendees: Andy Summers, Stewart Copeland, Eberhard Schoener

An ad in Rock & Folk (November 1977) announces a concert in Paris at the Nashville for today. This was cancelled as well as another concert in Lyon on 1977-10-23.

There's an unused ticket for today's concert, which was cancelled after the tour promoter wasn't too happy about the Paris gig on 1977-10-20.

The Police watch "Star Wars" in a cinema today. Andy's car breaks down.

See also

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source: Rock & Folk - November 1977, Stewart Copeland's diaries

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On 1977-10-21, The Police were supposed to perform at the Nashville in Paris, France. The concert was cancelled.

There's an unused ticket for both bands for a concert today at the Nashville, but the concert was cancelled after the tour promoter wasn't too happy about the Paris gig on 1977-10-20.

The Police went into a local cinema instead and watched Star Wars in its original version (i.e. not dubbed).

As the ad in Rock & Folk (November 1977) shows another concert in Lyon was planned for 1977-10-23 at the Palais d'Hiver. This was cancelled as well.

By this date Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland had already joined Eberhard Schoener in Germany...

See also

External links

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sources: ticket, ad in Rock & Folk - November 1977, Broken Music: Sting remembers staying in Paris for a few nights; Stewart Copeland

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