2023-07-12 (Stewart Copeland)

From PoliceWiki

2023 07 12 photo Darja Ster.jpg
a photo from today - copyright Darja Šter
Performance summary
Artist performing: Stewart Copeland
Tour: 2021-2024 Police Deranged For Orchestra Tour
Venue: Teatro Nuovo Giovanni
Location: Udine, Italy
Support acts: none
Ticket prices: 46,00 Euro

On 2023-07-12, Stewart Copeland performed at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni in Udine, Italy.


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Recording information

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The concert was scheduled to take place at the Castello di Udine, but eventually moved to the new venue due to a bad weather prediction.

Stewart was accompanied by the FvG Orchestra, Vittorio Cosma on keyboards, Gianni Rojatti on guitar and Alessandro Turchet on bass. Laise Sanches, Rachèl Brown and Sarah-Jane Widenbosch were on vocal duties.

See also

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External links

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sources: Stewart Copeland on facebook, stewartcopeland.net, ticket, photos