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2005 05 25 knittingfactory1.jpg
Stewart Copeland and Julie Slick - Courtesy of Robin Slick
Performance summary
Artist performing: Stewart Copeland
Tour: ---
Venue: Knitting Factory
Location: Hollywood, CA, USA
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 2005-05-25, Stewart Copeland performed at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood, CA, USA.


Recording information

This section needs more information. Please note if an official or unofficial recording, or recording(s), is known to exist of this performance.


Stewart Copeland attended the after show party of the documentary Rock School which premiered in Los Angeles on that day.

Together with Alice Cooper he joined the young musicians on stage for the song School's Out.

Stewart Copeland has previously recorded a version of Don't Stand So Close To Me for the soundtrack Rock School with Julie Slick. Julie and Eric Slick were among the original 14 students at the Paul Green School of Rock Music and are featured in the movie Rock School.

Nowadays Julie and her brother Eric play with guitarist Adrian Belew as the Adrian Belew Power Trio.

See also

Rock School

External links


Robin Slick's homepages:

http://inherownwrite.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_archive.html (about "Rock School" incl. photos with Stewart and Alice Cooper)



source: internet, see external links

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