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Sting records It's Probably Me in New York
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Date: 1992-04-11
Location: New York, NY, USA - BMG Studios
Attendees: Sting, Eric Clapton, Michael Kamen

Sting starts recording It's Probably Me in New York, NY, USA.

Eric Clapton and Michael Kamen had previously recorded a demo of It's Probably Me at London's Sarm West Studios in late March 1992.

On April 6 Clapton and Kamen decided to ask Sting for a contribution to the song. Sting received the demo at his farmhouse in Wiltshire, England, UK. After a few days he came up with some lyrics and a new bridge for the song.

Sting flew from London to New York and arrived at BMG Studios on Sixth Avenue at 8:30am. The recording session would last for three days.


Sting - electric bass and vocals

Eric Clapton - acoustic and electric guitars

Michael Kamen - keyboards

David Sanborn - saxophone

Steve Gadd - drums

Don Alias - additional percussion

The Greater New York Alumni Orchestra

See also

External links


source: Billboard - June 20, 1992

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