1986 Hitmen

From PoliceWiki

1986 Hitmen cover.jpg
Article title: Stewart Copeland
Artist or band featured: Stewart Copeland
Year: 1986
Month: ?
Country (or countries) of publication: USA
Language(s): English
Author/interviewer: none mentioned
Length of feature: 12 pages + cover + Omar Hakim ad

In 1986, Stewart Copeland was featured in Hitmen Vol. 3.


The magazine doesn't have a precise publication date. It might have been a late 1985 or an early 1986 issue...

Quotes and noteworthy content

1986 Hitmen 01.jpg 1986 Hitmen 02.jpg 1986 Hitmen 03.jpg 1986 Hitmen 04.jpg 1986 Hitmen 05.jpg 1986 Hitmen 06.jpg 1986 Hitmen 07.jpg 1986 Hitmen 08.jpg 1986 Hitmen 09.jpg 1986 Hitmen 10.jpg 1986 Hitmen 11.jpg 1986 Hitmen 12.jpg 1986 Hitmen 13.jpg 1986 Hitmen 14.jpg 1986 Hitmen 15.jpg

External links

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