1980-11-27 Bravo

From PoliceWiki

Article title: Der Verrückte Stewart Copeland
Artist or band featured: Stewart Copeland
Year: 1980
Month: November
Country (or countries) of publication: Germany
Language(s): German
Author/interviewer: Margit Rietti
Length of feature: 2 pages - no cover image

On November 27 1980, Stewart Copeland was featured in Bravo.


The magazine features a two page report about Stewart Copeland in his home in London.

Photos were taken by Didi Zill - more like these can be found in his book The Police: Photos 1979-1981.

Quotes and noteworthy content

1980 11 27 Bravo 01.jpg 1980 11 27 Bravo 02.jpg

External links

This section needs more information.


source: magazine