1980-10 ZigZag

From PoliceWiki

1980 10 ZigZag cover.jpg
Article title: Stewart Copeland
Artist or band featured: Stewart Copeland
Year: 1980
Month: October
Country (or countries) of publication: England, UK
Language(s): English
Author/interviewer: Pete Erskine
Length of feature: 2 pages + cover + Rich In A Ditch review

In October 1980, Stewart Copeland was featured in ZigZag.


This magazine's interview is about The Police's work with Eberhard Schoener and the upcoming Zenyatta Mondatta LP release.

Quotes and noteworthy content

1980 10 ZigZag 01.jpg 1980 10 ZigZag 02.jpg 1980 10 ZigZag 03.jpg

External links

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