1978 Trance-Formation Laser In Concert Tour

From PoliceWiki

Between 1978-05-13 - 1978-05-27, The Police took part in the Trance-Formation Laser In Concert Tour.


This is the second time that The Police supported Eberhard Schoener on stage. They did it at a time when it might have been wiser to promote their second single Roxanne.

Tour personnel

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Touring musicians and bandmembers

Road crew and technicians

  • Phil Guskin (Laser Images, Inc.)
  • Bernie Shwayder - Laserist (Laser Images, Inc.)

Production crew


Support act(s)


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Summary of tour dates

Date Venue Location
1978-05-13 Alte Ziegelei Göttingen, Germany
1978-05-14 Alte Ziegelei Göttingen, Germany
1978-05-19 Audimax Bochum, Germany
1978-05-20 Sartory Cologne, Germany
1978-05-21 Kongreßhalle Böblingen, Germany
1978-05-22 Kongreßhalle Böblingen, Germany
1978-05-23 Stadthalle Offenbach, Germany
1978-05-24 Zirkus Krone Munich, Germany
1978-05-25 Zirkus Krone Munich, Germany
1978-05-26 Philipshalle Düsseldorf, Germany
1978-05-27 Philipshalle Düsseldorf, Germany

Quotations and trivia

A report about the May 1978 tour in BRAVO - July 20, 1978:

1978 07 20 Bravo 01.jpg 1978 07 20 Bravo 02.jpg

See also

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External links

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