2018-06-16 (Stewart Copeland)

From PoliceWiki

Sheila E. visits Stewart at the Sacred Grove
Photo or image related to event
Date: 2018-06-16
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA - Sacred Grove
Attendees: Stewart Copeland, Sheila E., John Densmore

Sheila E. and Stewart Copeland are filmed drumming at the Sacred Grove in Los Angeles, CA, USA. John Densmore is another guest at the Sacred Grove.

This is probably part of the ongoing BBC documentary shoot - which also took place in New Orleans earlier and would at least continue up to 2018-06-23.

See also

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External links

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source: photo on Stewart Copeland's instagram account, Sheila E. on facebook (both featuring this date), photo and video on Instagram (with John Densmore)