2006-07-16 (Stewart Copeland)

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Stewart promotes Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out in Munich
snapshot taken by Jens Schniedenharn
ticket autographed by Derek Power, Stewart Copeland and Eberhard Schoener
Date: 2006-07-16
Location: Munich, Germany - MAXX5 cinema
Attendees: Stewart Copeland, Eberhard Schoener, Derek Power

Stewart Copeland is in Munich to promote his movie Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out.

In the afternoon Stewart is interviewed by French journalist Gert Bruch for a documentary.

At 10pm his movie will be screened in the MAXX5 cinema as a part of the Munich Film Festival. Eberhard Schoener introduces Stewart Copeland - followed by a Q&A. After the screening Stewart signs memorabilia in the foyer.

After the screening Eberhard Schoener is interviewed by Gert Bruch inside the cinema. During filming Stewart Copeland enters the room and spreads his arms to give him a hug from 10 meters away. Eberhard acknowledges this with a grin. They will eventually leave the cinema with Stewart's manager Derek Power.

See also

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source: personal experience

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