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1977 07 09 Elevator SOUNDS.jpg
concert ad in SOUNDS - July 9, 1977
1977 07 23 Nashville ad NME.jpg
an ad for this concert in NME- July 23, 1977
1977 07 23 tiny Nashville ad NME.jpg
an ad for this concert in NME- July 23, 1977
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Elevators (?)
Tour: 1977 The Elevators performance
Venue: Dingwalls
Location: London, England, UK
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 1977-07-12, The Elevators may have performed at Dingwalls in London, England, UK.


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Recording information

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The Elevators are Sting, Stewart Copeland, Andy Summers and Mike Howlett who played as Strontium 90 at the GONG-festival in Paris two months before.

The book L'Historia Bandido mentions The Nashville Room as the place for the Elevators gig. Mike Howlett remembers that it was a gig at Dingwalls. Andy Summers' book One Train Later mentions TWO gigs, one at The Nashville Room - one at Dingwalls.

Today may be the date for the band's Dingwalls gig - the only clue for that (so far) is a list of concerts in SOUNDS (June 9, 1977), but the band mentioned is "Elevator" (it may be another band).

See also

External links

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sources: Nashville ad for the 'O'Band in NME July 23, 1977 + small ad for 'O'Band and The Elevators; personal information from O'Band members

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