
From PoliceWiki
Revision as of 18:37, 22 January 2021 by Dietmar (talk | contribs)

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1983 11 17 Sting.jpg
a photo from this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1983 11 17 Stewart Andy.jpg
a photo from this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1983 11 17 photo pass.jpg
a photo pass for this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1983 11 17 guest pass.jpg
a guest pass for this concert - kindly provided by www.rockinhouston.com
1983 11 17 ticket.jpg
a ticket for this concert
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1983-1984 Synchronicity Tour
Venue: The Summit
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: US$ 13,75

On 1983-11-17, The Police performed at The Summit in Houston, TX, USA.



Recording information

There's a recording of this concert which starts with Synchronicity II.


This section needs more information. Please include any unique or interesting facts about this performance: songs missing from setlist, guest appearances, rare performance of song, etc.

See also

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External links


sources: ticket, photos, Outlandos newsletter - September 1983

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