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SpecA's Story

By: SpecA
Events: June 26, 2007 & May 20, 2008

I joined SC.net back in 2005. By January 2007 I’ve been on the forums for almost 2 years now, reveling in the actuality of having semi contact with my life long drumming idol Stewart Copeland. I’ve been playing drums for 15ish years at this point, but it was the music of The Police and more specifically, Stewarts’ drumming that I really keyed into. I grew up with their music, helped teach myself to play drums along to their music, and was even in a band heavily influenced by their music. So needless to say they have always been a big part of my life. When I found SC.net, I met a lot of kindred spirits but more importantly I actually found a place where Stewart actually communicates with his fans. I really didn’t think it could get better than that! I was learning more about the Stewart Copeland of today, and all his awesome recent projects that I was hopeful of at least getting the chance to see him play drums, regardless of the band he was in. I never got the chance to see The Police live, and knew like every other fan, that I never would. Boy were we wrong!

So it’s January 2007. There are always the rumors that The Police will reunite as they never actually officially broke up. I always thought it was a pipedream. There was some heavy buzz that something was in the works, that they may actually get together and play at The Grammys. People were talking about the chance that this could be it, they would finally get back together. I was not about to get my hopes up but as the days went on, the buzz got heavier, whispers of a post grammy performance press conference abound. And I’m now a part of a community that seems to have an inside track—shit the MAN occasionally posts on these boards…. Could it be? Could they really get back together and do a full blown tour? The whispers turn into shouts, the buzz is real, and suddenly people from the boards are invited to a special show and press conference at The Whiskey in LA—shit!! This is real!

The Grammys which I watched for the first time in years, became the first of many of my pipedreams come true. My favorite band, back on stage! I saw theR&RHOF induction a few years before, but this was different. Yeah, it was one song, but holy shit did they sound good after all these years. Just a glimpse at what was to come….

Barely a few days later I remember sitting in my living room, watching VH1 anxiously for the supposed broadcast of The Whiskey show. There was some movie or something on (Woodstock footage?)…would they cut into it? God I hope so. Then suddenly the screen goes to a stage, I see his kit, and this gorgeous banner with the name of my favorite band ever behind it. NO WAY. I still can’t believe this. Would they do it? Would all the rumors of the last 20 some years come true? Would they announce their reunion and tour?


The Whiskey broadcast I watched was a blur, save for one vivid memory—seeing this curly haired woman rocking out in the audience and me saying to my wife “HA! That’s Sockii!!!!”

They did it. They fucking reunited, and announced a tour! OMG I will do everything I need to go see them! As it turns out I am already a Best Buy rewards zone member thanks to a recent HDTV purchase, so I get the very earliest chance at a presale tickets (hell yes!). At this point they have not announced any dates in Houston, so I’m considering Dallas. There’s a few suspicious empty dates that I can easily see a Houston and New Orleans show happening in their tour route. Patience Anthony, Patience I tell myself. It pays off—they announce the date, June 29th at the Toyota Center in downtown Houston. WOOHOO!!! I have a meeting the morning of the presale, but my lovely wife snags me 8th row floor, Andy side!!! Oh man, I’m gonna be so fucking close to my favorite band ever! This can’t be happening!!

The months drag on till the 1st date of the tour. The excitement on the boards is so thick at this point, the tension, expectations, anticipation is all overwhelming. A healthy group of members on the boards (which membership has exploded by now) are meeting up for the first of many many MANY pre and post show get togethers. A newbie who calls herself DirtyMartini has brought a little piece of green cloth with which her husband painted Stewart’s logo from the website. Little did they know how this little piece of fan appreciation would change so many lives, and elevate everyone’s tour experience to unreal levels. (It’s crazy to look back at how simple everything was back then!)

Fast forward a few dates, and an idea or two later, this little piece of cloth has become known as The Flag and has started a circulation to reach as many fans (soon to be known as NUTTERS) and as many tour dates as possible. Dirty puts the word out on the boards and of course I jump at the chance to show my support for STEWART!


Sweeeeeeet. I eagerly await the arrival of this thing from board member Bella in mail tube. The sheer complication of logistics of this Flag’s travels to as many shows and fans as possible quickly becomes something to behold. My tour date is fast approaching. I am virtually useless at work and almost as much at home. The Flag arrives—what the hell? How can something so pitiful looking be so awesome at the same time?!? Not that it looked like crap; it was just so funny to think that this small hand made little token of one fan’s appreciation and support of our collective favorite musician would be traveling the country and hopefully the world to be displayed for all to see. I turn it over to see half a dozen (if that!) familiar screen names and a handful of dates. It felt so cool to be a part of this thing from the virtual beginning.

I make plans with another board member GinaSuperCat—this crazy girl is traveling the country via Greyhound and seeing an incredible number of shows, the Houston date included. I am to hand off to her after the show to be carried to the next date, the next member, and so on. In the grand scheme I am just a small link, but the importance of it is overwhelming and I feel such a great responsibility and INCREDIBILY LUCKY to be a Flag bearer. Since STEWART reads the boards and would actually post and talk with us, he knows about this little thing. He’s actually aware it will be out there in the audience, and has already showed signs of acknowledging it during the show! This means that I may, I just fucking may have the chance to make a one on one connection with STEWART, especially given how close I would be.

OMG the 29th can’t get here quick enough.

When it finally does, I skip out of work earlier with my cousin and coworker who was coming with. My wife was 7months pregnant at the time and about to go on bed rest so unfortunately couldn’t come. I really wanted to have her with me to experience this together but what are you gonna do, right?

We get downtown with no real traffic (phew!), park, meet up with Gina and eat dinner—get to know each other a little, laugh, share stories and I sign the flag, and document the occasion on camera. I hope to god security is loose enough for me to sneak this camera and Flag in! Here’s a little snippet of what I posted immediately getting home after the show: “Not only was there a lack of security that allowed me to bring in the camera and iPod w/mic, I got right up to the stage, have some decent pics, good video, and yes my friends of Copelandia—I got not one, not two, but three separate acknowledgements from the Man himself STEWART!!! He pointed to me with his sticks after seeing my crazy flag waving, but the best, after the final encore and they took their bows, he came over to the edge of the stage and gave me a bunch of huge thumbs ups!!! I screamed like a little girl!!!

Anyways—It was AWESOME, and great to meet and hang out/have dinner with Gina as well as meet Sandy after the show. I so so wish I could meet more of you and see more shows!! Who knows what the future will bring.

I had to put that last part in considering what you will read about in a few minutes….

So holy crap what an amazing show! I truly have never been to a better concert—they we simply amazing! I finally got to see STEWART play live! And I was soooo close! And he gave me the thumbs up!!!

My review of Fiction Plane—they are a tight band, not too bad. I think it could be something that grows on me, they were enjoyable but I still just couldn't get engaged, hooked, into them. I think honestly there's something about Joe's voice that I'm not crazy about. And ask Gina—I'm a picky bastard when it comes to drummers—their drummer is good, he's skilled, but I don't like the way his drums sound, everything's too muddy/gets lost, snare's got no crack to it, and he plays a little too straight ahead for my taste (play around with your fills a bit man!!). Yes I'm just a teensy bit biased, I know.

But overall—they put on a good show, and I could see myself listening to them more. First impressions though—eh, it was pretty good. That's about it. I will definitely echo the past statements of "haven't they already played that song?" because there were a few that sounded alot alike (Joe's voice/singing style certain aids to that). And also the whole time I'm watching/listening there's this big heavy thought in my head that says "this is not what I've come to see". I'm sure that has a little something to do with my "eh" impression of them—Like everyone else there, I was waiting for The Police!

So, The Police—holy balls they don't sound any different to me than they did 23 years ago!! I'll give you a short synopsis of each song—

The place was on its feet as the lights dimmed and Bob Marley's "Get up Stand up" slowly fades. I could hear the gong warming up as Andy was the first to appear, followed by Sting, and then STEWART slowly rising, bringing the gong to a crescendo BASH, and Andy kicked into

"Message In A Bottle"—I for one thought Andy nailed it, it sounded great. Keep in mind I'm so stoked and not paying 100% attention to teeny mistakes, but he seemed on, and of course STEWART's every snare crack could be felt deep in people's chests blocks away. Tempo was great, Sting's voice was spot on. And hearing the crowd sing along was incredible.

"Synchronicity II"—I'll give another HOLY BALLS to this one—jeebus did it R O C K! God it got the place moving—Andy did his other key intro, and as soon as the EYOOO's! were belted out the place went wild. Hard to believe I'm watching some 50 and 60 year olds up on stage blowing the place away! Christ I'm tearing up just thinking about it!

"Walking On The Moon"—Oh STEWART, how I love your Octobans... And the Delay... And your snare....Great version, even a tad slower than I would've liked it was still great with a nice long jam. The crowd's EeYooo yo yo's were so much fun to hear too. Sting's voice was spot on, seriously you couldn't tell that there has been a 23 year absence.

"Voices Inside My Head" into "When The World Is Running Down"—Man I wished this song went on. I loved the slow groove of Voices, and Andy again had an incredible solo on Running Down—he was moving around a good amount on stage and seemed to be really freaking into it. I love the way they end this too—Sting and Andy's parts together sounded perfect, and STEWART was just a beast on the kit!

"Don't Stand So Close To Me"—The crowd went nuts when they heard the first line, and yes it's slower/Sting sings a little more mellow, but all three of them still rocked it out! Seriously you hear all these comments of how "tame" the new versions are—I have no clue where people are getting this from. STEWART was playing so hard, and it was pretty much the same arrangement as the original, just a little slower tempo and lower key.

"Driven To Tears"—OMG my favorite Police Song EVAR! I'm pissed because I wanted to catch the whole thing on video, but missed the first 12 bars or so as they went RIGHT into it from Don't Stand. STEWART was amazing, again hitting and playing the kit like his life depended on it, Sting sang it high and didn't really mess with the vocal phrasing much, Andy was on FIRE the whole time through—god damn it was good!

"The Bed's Too Big Without You"—Oooh! This sounded AWESOME, and I got a good chunk on video too! STEWART's so expressive on the snare, I loved it! The jam in the middle was great, Andy and Sting again do not disappoint, playing off each other, and all was reigned back in with ease—god they were so tight!

"Truth Hits Everybody"—I for one love the new version! The "woah Oooh's" from the crowd were great, again it still rocked and had everyone moving regardless of the lower key. The tempo is the same as the studio recording—no it isn't as fast as they used to play it live, but still great.

"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic"—So for some reason this is the part in the show that it hit me that I'M ACTUALLY SEEING The Police LIVE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I got all verklempt and choked up—it really hit me hard and was just a great moment. The song itself—JUST like the studio version and it was incredible, probably one of my favs from the night. Holy Cow it was so good. I really can't describe it.

"Wrapped Around Your Finger"—Slower than I was expecting but had a great groove to it. STEWART played some awesome poly's on his aux kit behind him, and the camera had some cool shots looking up from underneath through the head of his 22" Gong Bass tom—don't worry I got video of it. And then jumping back to the kit smacking the shit out of the snare—god damn he is amazing. Enough said.

"De Do Do Do De Da Da Da"—Uh, just like the studio version again! No new arrangement that I really noticed, STEWART and Andy were both chugging away sounding great and Sting sang it like you'd expect. It's not one of my favs, but still everyone was dancing and having a blast it was hard not to be ecstatic about it!

"Invisible Sun"—I think this ended up being the bathroom break song—it was great though, Andy's guitar part cut so well, and I loved STEWART's straight ahead drumming on it.

"Walking In Your Footsteps"—Holy shit I never loved this song till now—OMG it was awesome and ROCKED. STEWART's toms were a force to be reckoned with! Man he is incredible! Seriously hope they re-record this one.

"Can't Stand Losing You"—Man oh man another fav of mine, and just great! Again, sounded just like it did 23 years ago and then some! What made it more awesome was this is where I get the first stick point from STEWART while he's playing after he sees the flag!!!

"Roxanne"—Good God they've never played this better, and Sting never sounded so good. He hit every high note there was flawlessly! Incredible! The jam session was superb, Sting and Andy both were amazing and had great little bits —this really brought the house down!

"King Of Pain"—Again the crowd went wild when they heard the first few lyrics, and Andy's solo was awesome! Great great song. It was after this that they left the stage, the crowd was wild and they came back only after 1-2mins!

"So Lonely"—Hilarious! STEWART and Andy are playing around and Sting acts as if he doesn't know what song they are trying to play, and does the theme from Bonanza—just like the Synchronicity video!! And then they kick into it, not lacking any steam/fire/energy from the start of the show or from their youth. God this song is good and they played it so well—the "welcome to the Andy Summer's show" got some cheers and Sting gave him a kind of "sorry chap!" Shrug, and of course the next "welcome to the STEWART COPELAND SHOW!" got the huge huge cheers it deserved! It's true what everyone has been saying—STEWART really shined out of the three and the crowd seems to agree. Again, I got the stick point and nod from THE MAN after he sees the flag!!!

"Every Breath You Take"—Ha! Andy went right into the guitar part after "So Lonely" ended and Sting seemed caught off guard/surprised! He's said something to the effect of "Oh ok! I guess we'll" garbled garbled couldn’t hear the rest of what he said. Of course the crowd sang along and was just swelling with this one. They left and came back one more time for—

"Next To You"—Ah the steam train! God DAMN did they rock it—I thought it was great, great tempo, and STEWART was beating the ever-loving shit out of the kit!! Just like he should. The end of the show—all three get up/leave their instruments and take huge bows hand in hand front and center on the stage. At this point I had worked my way to the front right of the stage waiving the flag like Crazy! STEWART sees it and comes over right in god damned front of me and gives me a HUGE smile and Thumbs up!!! Again—I was screaming like a little girl—it was the most awesomest concert moment I've ever had.

Still in amazement...

Short of meeting him, it really couldn't have been any better.

Heheheheheh, little did I know at the time what would happen almost a year later...



Okay so last year, I had a lifelong pipe dream come true. I got to see my favorite band get back together and tour, better still I got 8th row seats, better still I got to be a part of the tourzilla's history with all this FLAG nonsense. Kel tells me I was the first real stick points of the tour, that the FLAG lost it's cherry in Houston (I think it may have been earlier but I'm not about to argue and be smoted by Dirty Jersey).

Anyway, as luck would have it they continue to the tour, this time stopping in Houston again almost 1 year later at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion on May 20th 2008. YES! This place is where I had originally hoped they’d play in 2007 as it’s 10mins from my house, here in The Woodlands. The wife and I buy mid range seats and get some the crappy very last row, right in the middle, Andy side. They actually turned out to be better than expected, and better than the lawn.....

Anyways (I'll say that alot so roll your eyes now) Thanks to some lovely people (that hardly describes how good these people are) I was able to get a last minute backstage tour and access to the soundcheck. And I mean last minute, as in hours before I needed to be there to claim them. Have I mentioned how much it rocks to have the Pavilion 10mins from my house?

Wait, slow down, take a step back—I am getting the chance to see the tour up close and personal, backstage access, and potentially meet the band. This doesn’t seem real! But things happened so quickly that I really didn’t have the chance to think about it. I make some extremely quick arrangements to get my wife a ride there as I would be at the Pavilion a few hours before and not sure if I would be able to come back home and pick her up before the show. It was incredibly hard not to get caught speeding on the very short drive to the Pavilion.

I was supposed to get VIP parking, so I pull into the lot, my name's not on the list. Ok whatever, I have to meet this Live Nation manager to get backstage in 10mins or else no go, so I park elsewhere hoping to hell I don’t hear the same thing about getting backstage. I get to the VIP gate and wait, still unsure of my status as the security checkpoint there didn’t really give me much information, especially if I’m actually on the list or not. A few more people trickle in and then I recognize Jenny from the boards—Oh Happy DAY! She got the passes too! Suddenly things got alot more charged and energized with another nutter around! She has two friends with her, so we're all shooting the shit till the Live Nation Manager comes, kills some time talking about the setup/teardown process, after a year on the road they are a well oiled machine... something something.... when do we go backstage again?!

No really it was cool—I met Cyrus who was awesome—he runs the whole wireless aspect of the tour, from instruments to Wifi access points (neat job). They were talking about some of the older venues and what a nightmare it was to get everything set up right and working, all with no time to do so. Pretty incredible what goes on behind the scene.

Anyways. We get to see inside the tour mgmt bus—man those bitches are decked out! Pretty swank inside, our boys however don't schlep it on the road—they take to the sky. So finally we get to go inside the Pavilion.

Did I mention it's like 95degrees and we're all pretty gross and sweaty? Yeah! lets meet the band!!!

So we're told/warned that Sting sometimes likes to bring up people on stage and if anyone would like to do so to please go ahead but we have to be quick—tight schedule and all. This is a DUH moment—uh, really? You need to ASK us if we want to go up on stage and sing or not? OF COURSE WE DO!!! There's just no question! Retarded if you ask me.

We walk down, front row, and there it is—the Chariot. Good god it's gorgeous parkling in the midday sun. The techs were finishing up checking Elvis Costello's drummer's kit, and out walks Sting. And then STEWART! And oh yeah Andy's somewhere there too. Sting chit chats with us for like 2 seconds and then asks if we want to come up and sing, so we all do. We get snaked in through the back way and come out onto the rear of the stage, Andy side. Everyone's kind of milling around, most of the others gravitate towards Sting, Jenny and I of course are drawn like magnets to STEWART! We talk, introduce ourselves as members of his forums, I tell him I was the one with the flag last year in Houston. Stewart's asked about the diameter of the gong and he compares it to Neil Pearts—fuck I have a camera! Get this recorded!!! I barely do, and yes I am shaking to be this close and talking to THE MAN!

So they pick up their instruments and start to get loose—I catch a little warm up from STEWART on camera. AWESOME. I am standing RIGHT NEXT TO HIM WHILE HE PLAYS!!!! It was like 10 seconds—wish I could just sit there and watch hours of him playing. They start into it with Message in a Bottle and Sting has a gaggle of females including Jenny at the mic that he is having them trade off on the lyrics/verses. No offense to the ladies but you're all a little "pitchy". Sting is making hilarious faces at some of the off key notes—great. I get a little recorded, then step in to the mic and show em how it's done. Sting raises his eyebrows. He says I'm not bad so I tell him I play drums as well—he asks if I want to, uh hell yeah! I go over to STEWART and simply ask him—"go for it!" So I do.

Oh sweet Chariot. Let me caress thee....

I'm sitting behind STEWART's kit. I can't fucking believe it! But it all feels so natural! Like I should be there—the feeling is hard to explain. Getting there was easy, there was no question as to whether or not I should or could get behind the kit and play—just do it, and I do. God his Hit Hats are tiny! (sorry floozies). And everything is a lot lower than I imagined! His ride shows tons of stick marks on the blue paint, beat to hell. His snare has the crispest new head on it—let me help you break this in STEWART! I pick up the sticks and diddle around the kit. I ask Sting and Andy what they want to play—EBYT. Sting mentions something about a click track but I'm too focused on STEWART to really remember what he said. STEWART goes out to the audience to hear how his drums sound (just like I fucking always dreamed he would during my dream of being behind his kit and playing!). So we start playing, and it's awesome. It really was, even if EBYT is the most boringest track to play, I don't fucking care at this point. It ends well, so much so that Sting wants to play Roxanne. Easy.... God everything about this was so easy.

I am amazed even still at just how relaxed the whole atmosphere was during soundcheck. Yeah the Live Nation mgmt people were somewhat strict and concerned over time, but our boys—my gong it was as if we were all longtime buddies hanging out on stage. Andy was more quite than the other two, but Sting was funny, in a good mood I guess because he did NOT come off as the prick everyone makes him out to be. Gentle is the word that keeps coming to mind—you just wanted to hug him for being so cool to all of us. Maybe that's because I have this preconceived notion that he's a primadonna and there will be this "wall" around him, like "don't touch the Sting!". Anyways. And Stewart! God is so cool. When talking about the FLAG after showing him my FLAG STAND IN I had brought, he was like "get it away!" and were chatting about him not being able to touch it except for the incident in Mexico with GeorgyGirl!

A few notes on The Chariot—His pedals have a lot less tension on them than I do on mine, and only STEWART can truly make that kit sing. I thought I played hard? No fucking way compared to him, which I always knew. I wasn't playing full force on his kit by any means—can you imagine me breaking a drumhead?!?! —but it gives me appreciation of just how fucking hard he hits because even if I bashed the shit out of them, it wouldn't come near the levels of what he does. Also, I had no monitors—they all have in ears so I'm hearing the bass and guitars from behind their amps on stage, and barely any vox. Playing on someone else's kit is always weird because the set up is such a personal thing. STEWART is a good 4-5 inches taller than me if not more, which has a lot to do with the height of everything, The Snare was perfectly comfy in height for me, but the hats and toms felt too low—I have mine up higher. So off the bat I'm "at a disadvantage" if you want to look at it that way. The actual playing with them? Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I have been playing these songs for 15 years now (OMG) so they are ingrained to say the least. Somewhere in my mind I'm thinking "don't get too crazy or you'll fuck up!" but I don't quite hold back either. The toms are most definitely tuned lower than he used to tune them back in the day—but also he uses clear heads now (no real big news to any drummer here), but it does change the way everything sounds. And when I said earlier that he plays harder than you can imagine and only he can make them sing I mean it. I could have wailed on the kit, didn't want to out of respect but since I didn't I couldn't get the sound I wanted out of the toms. That was kind of distracting. But Octbans—ROCK! I wish I had a little more balls to suggest more fun drum songs that I could have done a little more fucking around on the kit with. And the Ass Kicker—that thing rocks. Also—I have my kit set up like back in the day with three toms over the kick, and one floor tom. He now has the two over the kick and two floor toms which I'm used to playing that kind of setup. Since I didn't have a monitor, I didn't have a click—a good thing in my opinion but it could spell disaster for my playing if I blast away. Anyways it wasn't too hard to hear them so I do what drummers do, keep the beat. Sting and Andy of course are used to playing the arrangements as they have on the tour so luckily I have enough of an ear and my memory isn't too shot to know the changes. So we play, and I just have fun with it but am serious too—I have a sense in the back of my head—you are on stage right now with fucking world class musicians—fucking ICONS of their instruments—don't fuck around!! But in reality I wouldn't anyways, because I love playing drums, especially Police Songs!

Oh man, I just fucking played with some of the most famous rock musicians ever.

I wanna keep going but I see STEWART back on stage and I'm feeling guilty for eating all this time up behind his kit. He asks me if he left his tea—yep, sitting there to my left, so I hand it to him. He also asked me how I liked the Ass Kicker! That thing was great, but even better it was awesome to just shoot the drum shit with STEWART! I put the sticks down and walk out from behind the kit—I honestly can't remember if STEWART commented more on my playing or not. He gets back in there and they kick into CSLY, with Cyrus the tech guy from earlier on vocals. He's doing a bad job in a good way—hilarious, so I go over and we share the mic for the rest of the song. We finish, Sting "chastises" Cyrus for his singing—all in good fun. And that was about it, we said our thanks and goodbyes/goodluck tonights, I go over and chat with STEWART for a few more mins about my aunt who sang backup for them in 83, we talk about Tessa, and he signs the B&W photo I brought. And it's over. That’s it, done—we're escorted off and back down to the VIP gate where it all started at 4pm. We all were given signed tourbooks before they kicked us out. I chat with Jenny and her friends for a few mins before they head off to dinner.

SO.... yeah, cloud 55 at this point. I can’t believe what just happened. More than that, how easy and natural it was—no big deal, like it was expected. Unreal. I head back to my car after calling my wife, she jokingly asks me if I’m leaving her and the kids to go on tour (sigh… ;) ). I have Kellie’s number to txt how things went so I tell her and she was not only floored, but amazed at how calm I was about the whole thing. I ask her to tell all you fine people of the boards. I drive 10mins home, see my kids, eat dinner, give them a bath, take a min to post like a good Nutter would, and we head back out to the show.

God I love having this Pavilion so close!

The concert was great—I won't go into every song in detail, just that BOTN and Demo Man were both superb and faster than I expected, as a band they were all soooo much tighter than when I saw them last year, Sting's voice was outstanding tonight—lots of high and long notes, no troubles anywhere, Andy was INCREDIBLE tonight—just unbelievable playing, THE TELECASTER!!! I was floored when on ELTSDIM Andy comes into the spotlight playing his fucking Tele! He played it for the rest of the show to the end of CSLY. The encores he was back on the red strat, but man oh man, seeing him play it on the big screens felt like it could have easily been 1980something. And yes, it really did sound awesome, and it's like THATS what The Police sound like! Seriously—missing piece fell into place and all was right in the world. Very happy to have seen that. And STEWART... I am at a loss. I still cannot really begin to think of what I can say to thank you for the opportunity today. You are incredibly generous and kind. God I hope we meet again. Thank you so much for today.

What a fucking day. My dreams have come true, more than I ever would have thought.

Okay, so here are the pics:


Here are the videos:


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