Zenyatta Mondatta musical gear (Andy Summers)

From PoliceWiki
Andy Summers' gear for Zenyatta Mondatta
Diagram or photo related to this artist's musical gear
Artist: Andy Summers
Band or ensemble: The Police
Time gear used: YYYY - YYYY


This is the equipment Andy Summers used for recording the Zenyatta Mondatta album.

Andy Summers' studio gear while recording "Zenyatta Mondatta":


  • 1963 Fender Super Amp; 2 x 10 combo, 35 watts.
  • approx 1980 Roland Cube 60
  • 1976 or 77 Marshall model 1959 100 watt amplifiers x 2
  • 1975 Marshall model 1960A cabinet
  • 1977 or 78 Marshall model 1960A cabinet
  • Roland JC60 amp

Quotations and trivia

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See also

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External links

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References and footnotes

Reference for Andy Summers guitar amps used during recording of "Zenyatta Mondatta"

1) The film by Stewart Copeland called Everyone Stares; The Police inside out. This is shown in the section re: Zenyatta Mondatta.