1980-08-10 Joepie

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(Redirected from 1980-08 Joepie)

Article title: Wordt Sting De Volgende Tegenstander Van James Bond?
Artist or band featured: Sting
Year: 1980
Month: August
Country (or countries) of publication: Belgium
Language(s): Dutch
Author/interviewer: none mentioned
Length of feature: 1 page + cover + The Police sticker + concert ad

On August 10 1980, Sting was featured in Joepie.


The magazine report deals with the possibility of Sting starring in the upcoming James Bond movie "For Your Eyes Only".

Quotes and noteworthy content

1980 08 10 Joepie 02.jpg 1980 08 10 Joepie 01.jpg 1980 Bombay sticker Joepie.jpg

External links

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