1976-12-03 (Last Exit)

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1976 11 10 Courier ad.jpg
an ad for this concert in "Courier"'s November 10 issue - 13/4/1, University Archives, Newcastle University Special Collections, GB 186
Performance summary
Artist performing: Last Exit
Tour: 1974-1977 Last Exit performances
Venue: Newcastle University
Location: Newcastle, England, UK
Other acts: Deaf School, Medicine Head, Brandy, Gosh, Young Bucks, Sidewinders
Ticket prices: 2,00 UK pounds

On 1976-12-03, Last Exit performed at the Newcastle University in Newcastle, England, UK.


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Recording information

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Last Exit played in the Lower Bun Room during "the first all-niter for many a year" as the Courier called it.

A Courier review in the December 8 issue mentions that in the Lower Bun Room Last Exit played some intelligent jazz rock to a packed and appreciative audience.

See also

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External links

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sources: Broken Music; ad in Courier - November 10, 1976; Courier - December 1 & 8, 1976

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