Horse Latitudes

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"Horse Latitudes"
If song was released as a single, include single cover art. Otherwise, include album cover artwork to replace the 45 rpm, if available.
Performed by The Doors Of The 21st Century
Writer(s): James Morrison / Robby Krieger / Ray Manzarek / John Densmore

"Horse Latitudes" is a song written by James Morrison / Robby Krieger / Ray Manzarek / John Densmore and performed by The Doors Of The 21st Century in 2002.

About the song

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When the still sea conspires an armor
And her sullen and aborted currents
Breed tiny monsters
True sailing is dead
Awkward instant
And the first animal is jettisoned
Legs furiously pumping
Their stiff green gallop
And heads bob up
In mute nostril agony
Carefully refined
And sealed over

Quotations and trivia

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Alternative and cover versions

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See also

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External links

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