Go Away Love (On The African Coast)

From PoliceWiki
"Go Away Love (On The African Coast)"
File:Wild Concerto CD.jpg
cover of Wild Concerto CD
Recorded by Stewart Copeland
Released: 2025-04-18
Length: x:xx
Album(s): Wild Concerto
Label(s): Platoon Records
Writer(s): Stewart Copeland
Producer(s): PRODUCER(S)
Studio(s): STUDIO(S)
Released as single? NO

"Go Away Love (On The African Coast)" is a song written by Stewart Copeland and recorded by Stewart Copeland in YYYY.

About the song

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Release History


Go Away Love (On The African Coast) appears on the following album releases:

Cover art Album title Release date Release country
40px Wild Concerto 2025-04-18 Country


CD Singles

Cover art Catalog no. Songs Release date Release country
Stub.gif Catalog no. "Song"(s) YYYY-MM-DD Country

7" Singles

Cover art Catalog no. A-side song/B-side song Release date Release country
Stub.gif Catalog no. "A-side song"/"B-side song" YYYY-MM-DD Country

12" Singles

Cover art Catalog no. A-side song(s)/B-side song(s) Release date Release country
Stub.gif Catalog no. "A-side song"/"B-side song" (add more songs as necessary) YYYY-MM-DD Country


"SONG TITLE" appears on the following video and dvd releases:

Cover art Video title Release date Release country
Stub.gif Video or dvd title YYYY-MM-DD Country

Awards, nominations, and certifications


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Year Winner Award Category
YYYY WINNER (album, song, producer, etc.) AWARD (Grammy, People's Choice, etc.) CATEGORY


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Year Nominee Award Category
YYYY NOMINEE (album, song, producer, etc.) AWARD (Grammy, People's Choice, etc.) CATEGORY


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Country Certifier Classification Certification
COUNTRY CERTIFIER (RIAA, IFPI...) CLASSIFICATION (Album, singles, foreign artist...) CERTIFICATION (Gold, Platinum, Diamond...)


This is a sample set of lyrics
They should go here

If a song is an instrumental
Delete the Lyrics header 
and this section
as well

Quotations and trivia

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Alternative and cover versions

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See also

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External links

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