1980-12-21 Sorrisi e Canzoni

From PoliceWiki

Sorrisi e Canzoni
Article title: Dieci Milioni Di Album Nel Mondo La Polizia Ringrazia
Artist or band featured: The Police
Year: 1980
Month: December
Country (or countries) of publication: Italy
Language(s): Italian
Author/interviewer: Fabio Santini
Length of feature: 3 pages - no cover image

On December 21 1980, The Police were featured in Sorrisi e Canzoni.


p. 69 is missing

Quotes and noteworthy content

1980 12 21 Sorrisi Canzoni 01.jpg 1980 12 21 Sorrisi Canzoni 02.jpg

External links

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