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Day off in London: Stewart is still ill
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1977-03-17
Location: London, England, UK
Attendees: Stewart Copeland

Stewart Copeland is still ill.

A small concert ad in Melody Maker from March 19, 1977 announced a concert at West Runton Pavilion in West Runton, England, UK for today whereas in Stewart's diaries it's featured as cancelled for 1977-03-16.

Today his diary features an erased entry for a concert in Chelmsford, England, UK.

See also

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External links

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sources: Stewart Copeland's diaries

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On 1977-03-17, The Police were supposed to perform at the West Runton Pavilion in West Runton, England,UK.


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Recording information

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This concert was probably cancelled because people were ill (at least Cherry Vanilla was - she couldn't do the Holland tour with The Police). At least Stewart Copeland's diary has no concert entry for this date. But apparently there's an eyewitness for this concert - see external links.

See also

External links

http://www.freewebs.com/westruntonpavilion/bandsaz.htm mentions the gig - they were apparently informed by an eyewitness who was at that concert !


sources: Melody Maker ad March 19, 1977