2001-01-13 (Sting)

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Sting works on songs in Brazil
Photo or image related to event
Date: 2001-01-13
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - AR Studios
Attendees: Sting, Ivan Lins

Sting and Ivan Lins work on a song idea for two hours. Sting played steel guitar, Ivan played acoustic piano and Marcos Suzano joined them on tambourine.

Sting was in Brazil for a concert on 2001-01-12 and had phoned Ivan to help develop a song.

(Ivan Lins remembers that this happened AFTER the Rio de Janeiro gig when Sting was still in Rio de Janeiro for a few days of vacation. There was just one day off for Sting until he had to play another concert in a different country. As the event was alread mentioned in Outlandos newsletter January 2001 this leaves only today for this recording session...)

See also

External links

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source: Outlandos newsletter January 2001, Ivan Lins