The Last Ship (musical)

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The Last Ship
Image related to composition, such as a performance flyer
Basic information
Composed by: Book by John Logan and Brian Yorkey; Music and lyrics by Sting
Composed in: YYYY
Length: 2 hours 30 minutes with one intermission.
Premiere date: YYYY-MM-DD
Premiere venue: VENUE NAME
Premiere location: CITY, COUNTRY


Opening statement: Please insert a brief statement about this composition. For television scores, use Template:Television (score) instead of this template. For film scores, use Template:Film (score) instead of this template. In some cases, Template:Song will fit better, or some combination of these two templates. Please use your best judgment based on the recording and performance history of this composition.


This section needs more information. Include an introduction to this composition: if it was commissioned for a particular event, based on a particular source material, other individuals involved in the production of this piece, etc.

Performance history

Release History

Composition appears on the following album releases:

Cover art Album title Release date Release country
Stub.gif Album date YYYY-MM-DD Country

Quotations and trivia

  • Normal ticket prices for the performances at the Neil Simon Theatre were $68.75-146.75 with premium tickets costing $242.

See also

External links

