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1976 09 25 concert ad SOUNDS.jpg
a short announcement of this concert in SOUNDS - September 25, 1976 (rather late!)
Performance summary
Artist performing: Curved Air
Tour: 1975-1976 Curved Air performances
Venue: Oasis Club
Location: Ryde (Isle of Wight), England, UK
Support acts: TICKET PRICES
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 1976-09-18, Curved Air performed at the Oasis Club in Ryde (Isle of Wight), England, UK.


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Recording information

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Around 02:30pm Curved Air drive from London to Portsmouth, then take a ferry to the Isle of Wight. Curved Air performed in front of 650 people. After the concert they returned to the ferry immediately.

See also

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External links

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source: Stewart Copeland 's diary; SOUNDS - September 25, 1976

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