
From PoliceWiki
Revision as of 05:53, 27 January 2010 by Sockii (talk | contribs) (Using text from wikipedia)
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This help page addresses several issues regarding PoliceWiki style and content of individual articles on the site.

Use of templates

PoliceWiki encourages the use of the wiki's suggested Category:Article templates for building new pages. This helps ensure a consistency in how information is presented and makes the information easier to follow. However, it is understood that templates are general and may contain suggested sub-headers or sections which do not fit the topic of an article precisely, or may require more information. Please use best judgment and edit templates as necessary.


PoliceWiki strives for a neutral point of view. To accomplish this, please keep in mind the following style notes:

  • The use of "I", "we", or "you" in editing articles, with the exception of User pages, is discouraged. (Ex: I think this is the best Police song would be bad style on the wiki.)
  • Sometimes multiple points of view should be represented, in a fair and equal way, so that no one point of view is given more weight or suggested as more the truth than another.
  • Citations of verifiable souces should be provided whenever possible, especially on controversial topics. See Help:Citations for more information.
  • Do not delete content from an article just because you disagree with its content, unless it can be factually proven as inaccurate. If you feel an article suffers from lack of neutrality, please discuss the matter on the article's discussion page, or provide more information to the text to balance the points of view represented.
  • Articles which may suffer from lack of neutrality should be marked with the {{POV}} template.

For more information, please see PoliceWiki:Neutral point of view.

Using text from wikipedia

Both PoliceWiki and Wikipedia operate under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Under the Terms of Use at Wikipedia, text can be re-used outside of Wikipedia under the following conditions:


Re-use of text:
  • Attribution: To re-distribute a text page in any form, provide credit to the authors either by including a) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages you are re-using, b) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy which is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on this website, or c) a list of all authors. (Any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions.) This applies to text developed by the Wikimedia community. Text from external sources may attach additional attribution requirements to the work, which we will strive to indicate clearly to you. For example, a page may have a banner or other notation indicating that some or all of its content was originally published somewhere else. Where such notations are visible in the page itself, they should generally be preserved by re-users.
  • Copyleft/Share Alike: If you make modifications or additions to the page you re-use, you must license them under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 or later.
  • Indicate changes: If you make modifications or additions, you must indicate in a reasonable fashion that the original work has been modified. If you are re-using the page in a wiki, for example, indicating this in the page history is sufficient.
  • Licensing notice: Each copy or modified version that you distribute must include a licensing notice stating that the work is released under CC-BY-SA and either a) a hyperlink or URL to the text of the license or b) a copy of the license. For this purpose, a suitable URL is:


With that said, it is still generally preferable to use direct sources instead of Wikipedia when possible to ensure the accuracy of the information presented here in the PoliceWiki

Articles about historical people

Unlike wikipedia, PoliceWiki encourages and invites individuals featured in this wiki for their contribution to Police history to contribute to and edit the pages about themselves. Also, if such an individual would like information about themselves removed from a page in the wiki, he or she should contact User:Sockii or User:DM-Kellie to discuss this as we will endeavor to make sure no one's privacy is compromised.

Articles about fans

Fans have been an integral part of Police history and as such we encourage members of Police fandom to create pages about themselves (using the Fan template) or to contribute to entries that may already name or list them for their involvement in certain activities, websites, fan clubs, etc. However, we also understand that privacy may be a concern and we will honor any request by a fan to have an entry about themselves deleted, and to remove mention of their names/pseudonyms from any PoliceWiki articles. Fans who wish this should do the following:

Procedure for requesting deletion of an article about yourself

Place the following text on the talk page (see the "talk" tab) for the article to be deleted:


This will add a text box that looks like:

Stop.png The person featured in this article requests that wiki contributors not recreate the article.

The user who made that request understands that PoliceWiki is a wiki and that anyone can recreate the article using a different title. They ask that you do not. Please respect their wishes.

After you have done that, type (or copy and paste) the following message:

I have requested that this article be deleted from PoliceWiki. I ask that other contributors to the wiki please respect my wishes to not be included. I understand that this is a wiki and that other contributors may choose to create another article about me or reference me elsewhere in the wiki. Because of that, I understand that it is my own responsibility and not that of the administrators to regularly check that no one has created a similar article against my wishes. --~~~~

Then, contact either User:Sockii or User:DM-Kellie directly (methods of contact are provided on the administrators' user pages) to indicate you are the individual requesting deletion of the article and/or mention of your name in other articles in the wiki.

The administrative team will handle your request in a timely fashion.

Rules for content on fan pages

We would also ask the following, if you are editing a page or entry about a fellow fan:

  1. Use only that individual's fannish name or pseudonym in an article, unless they actively use their real name openly in fandom.
  2. Do not post a photograph of another fan unless you have documented approval from them to do so.
  3. Never post personal information such as a phone number or mailing address for another fan.
  4. Do not use PoliceWiki to engage in personal wank or kerfluffles with other fans (see PoliceWiki:Neutral_point_of_view). While articles may make note of conflicts which have occurred in fandom as part of our fan history, any statements of obvious bias against an individual will be flagged and deleted by the administrators.