1981-03-27 Anita

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Revision as of 02:02, 5 February 2022 by Dietmar (talk | contribs) (Quotes and noteworthy content)
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Article title: The Police! Wie Houdt Ze Tegen?
Artist or band featured: The Police
Year: 1981
Month: March (?)
Country (or countries) of publication: The Netherlands
Language(s): Dutch
Author/interviewer: none mentioned
Length of feature: 1 page + cover + small bits

On March 27 1981, The Police were featured in Anita.


The magazine features one page about The Police.

The real publication date might have been the week before the official "March 27" date, as the horoscope inside is from March 22-28.

Quotes and noteworthy content

1981 03 Anita 01.jpg 1981 03 Anita 02.jpg 1981 03 Anita 03.jpg

External links

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