1979-08-23 Smash Hits

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Revision as of 05:53, 20 April 2019 by Dietmar (talk | contribs)

Smash Hits
Article title: The Police: Creative Garbage
Artist or band featured: The Police
Year: 1979
Month: August
Country (or countries) of publication: England, UK
Language(s): English
Author/interviewer: Ian Cranna
Length of feature: 2 pages + cover + news bits

On August 23 1979, The Police were featured in Smash Hits.


The magazine features interviews done at Surrey Sound Studios in the summer of 1979.

Quotes and noteworthy content

Stewart Copeland: "We invented reggae. And now all these Jamaican people are ripping us off!"

SmashHits1979 01.jpg SmashHits1979 02.jpg SmashHits1979 03.jpg SmashHits1979 04.jpg SmashHits1979 05.jpg SmashHits1979 06.jpg SmashHits1979 07.jpg

External links

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