Difference between revisions of "User talk:Sockii"

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(New section: I need some help!)
m (I need some help!)
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I had to turn my house upside down to look for the archives !
I had to turn my house upside down to look for the archives !
== I need some help! ==
Hello sockii,
Can you help? I noticed that there's still some work to be done on the dates. I tried to make a page September 2, but somehow it's not in the right category, and there's no category September yet. I made the same page by clicking on the calender, but had the same problem. So I could use some help, before I start messing up the Wiki.
Thanks in advance,

Latest revision as of 23:26, 2 September 2010

Hi sockii,

Nice cat! I would like to know if we can put in the lyrics already, since they are already on sting.com, or you have to get the coast clear first about the copyright.



Hey T. - I've looked at how other sites/wikis handle lyrics, and as long as we include the information on, for example, "Words & music by Sting" or "Words by Sting, music by 'fill-in-the-blank'", I believe we should be fine. There are so many sites that index song lyrics that I don't foresee it as a big problem provided credit is clearly provided.
I would, though, just like to get a song template done first for song pages, which is the next on the list (once I fix a couple things on the person, album, and performance templates). So probably over the weekend could go ahead on that. DM is right now working on revamping the overall category structure of the site as she's come up with a much simpler method than we have right now.--Sockii 10:40, 1 February 2008 (PST)


User rights page: "changed group membership for User:DM-Kellie from (none) to sysop ‎ (Because Ich bin ein Martini.)"

Dude, I just now saw that. Nice.

Hi Sockii,

This whole thing is getting addictive...I don't have a lot of "original" things to contribute, and still have to learn this Wiki-language, but I'll try and do what I can!


It's definitely addictive. I have to limit how much time I let myself work on it per day sometimes. But at this point there's so much basic info yet to add that every bit of it is a big help!--Sockii 06:55, 30 April 2008 (PDT)

Hey sockii ! It's a pleasure ! Dietmar asked for my contribution as I went to see Andy in concert back in 1994. I took some photos and wrote a report for the Outlandos bulletin. I had to turn my house upside down to look for the archives ! Olivier.