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=External links=
=External links=
[* http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-v-l-michael-schuler-der-britische-musiker-snger-und-schauspieler-sting-104201946.html photo]
* [http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-v-l-michael-schuler-der-britische-musiker-snger-und-schauspieler-sting-104201946.html photo]

Latest revision as of 02:57, 8 July 2016

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Sting performs on "Megaherz" TV show in Zurich
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1999-12-13
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Attendees: Sting, Michael Schuler, Vico Antippas, Ivo Sacchi

Sting performed Brand New Day and Desert Rose on the TV show "Megaherz" in Zurich, Switzerland.

He also received a Golden Record for Brand New Day from Universal Switzerland employees.

See also

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External links


source: Musikwoche 9/2000, photo with date, Rüdiger Höckel (date and tracks)

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