Difference between revisions of "1984-01-30"

From PoliceWiki
Line 33: Line 33:
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a backstage pass for today's concert
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a backstage pass for today's concert
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | [[Image:1984_01_30_ticket_Raphael_F.jpg |center|thumb]]
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a ticket for this concert - provided by Raphaël
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | [[Image:1984_01_30_31_poster.jpg |center|thumb]]
|  colspan="2" align="center" | [[Image:1984_01_30_31_poster.jpg |center|thumb]]
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a poster for the Rome concerts - provided by Luigi
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a poster for the Rome concerts - provided by Luigi
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | [[Image:1984_01_30_ticket_Raphael.jpg |center|thumb]]
|- style="background-color: #f9f9f9;"
|  colspan="2" align="center" | a ticket for this concert - provided by Raphaël
|- style="background-color: #E6E6E6;"
|- style="background-color: #E6E6E6;"
!  colspan="2" | Performance summary
!  colspan="2" | Performance summary

Revision as of 01:05, 3 September 2012

1984 01 30 photo MaxxLubinu.jpg
a photo from this concert - copyright by Maxx Lubinu
1984 01 30 probably stingfaustoristori.jpg
photo from Rome (probably today) - copyright Fausto Ristori
1984 01 30 probably stewartfaustoristori.jpg
photo from Rome (probably today) - copyright Fausto Ristori
1984 01 30 probably andyfaustoristori.jpg
photo from Rome (probably today) - copyright Fausto Ristori
1984 01 30 backstagepass.jpg
a backstage pass for today's concert
1984 01 30 ticket Raphael F.jpg
a ticket for this concert - provided by Raphaël
1984 01 30 31 poster.jpg
a poster for the Rome concerts - provided by Luigi
Performance summary
Artist performing: The Police
Tour: 1983-1984 Synchronicity Tour
Venue: Palaeur
Location: Rome, Italy
Support acts: SUPPORT ACTS
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 1984-01-30, The Police performed at Palaeur in Rome, Italy.


Recording information

There's a recording of this concert.


This section needs more information. Please include any unique or interesting facts about this performance: songs missing from setlist, guest appearances, rare performance of song, etc.

See also

The book Sting (Salvatori) features a lot of Rome photos taken by photographer Fausto Ristori - they were probably taken during this first concert...

External links



sources: ticket, pass, Outlandos mini-bulletins January + February 1984