Roland Chorus Echo RE-301

From PoliceWiki

Roland Chorus Echo RE-301
Stewart Copeland's Chorus Echo at the Sacred Grove
Artist: Stewart Copeland
Band or ensemble: The Police
Time gear used: YYYY - YYYY


Stewart Copeland used the Roland Chorus Echo for the 1979-1980 Reggatta de Blanc Tour. He definitely had one by 1979-07-04 as it can be seen right behind him in a photo taken by Sue Arber (and a Lynn Goldsmith photo taken around that time).

Gear breakdown

from wikipedia:

The Roland RE-301 was a regular RE-201 Space Echo with three additional features: sound on sound recording, allowing it to be used as a looper as well as an echo; an analog chorus circuit; and the ability to control the repeat rate externally by control voltage via foot pedal[6]. A notable user is guitarist Brian Setzer, for the slapback sound sought after in rockabilly.

Quotations and trivia

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See also

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References and footnotes

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