
From PoliceWiki

2003 10 07 Sting ticket Dietmar.jpg
a ticket for this concert
2003 10 07 VIP pass Christophe Laversanne.jpg 2003 10 07 artist pass Christophe Laversanne.jpg
passes for this concert - provided by Christophe Laversanne
Performance summary
Artist performing: Sting
Tour: 2003-2005 Sacred Love Tour
Venue: Grant Park
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Support acts: Keb Mo, Jonny Lang
Ticket prices: TICKET PRICES

On 2003-10-07, Sting performed at Grant Park in Chicago, IL, USA.


19 songs not in order yet:

Recording information

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Sting and Trudie Styler also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in Chicago that day.

There were about 40.000 people in today's audience.

See also

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External links

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source: sting.com, tickets, passes