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Sting performs on Top Of The Pops in Los Angeles
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1987-10-22
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA - Hollywood Central Studios (?)
Attendees: Sting, Guillermo Allerand, Adriana Groisman, Doug Haverty

Sting is in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

In the early afternoon he's rehearsing his performances for the US version of "Top Of The Pops", hosted by Nia Peeples. In a break from rehearsals he's interviewed for 1987-10-30 Sí (from 2:30 to 3:30PM). During the actual recording of the TV show at 7:00PM Sting would perform We'll Be Together (broadcast on October 30) and Gabriel's Message (broadcast December 23).

See also

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source: 1987-10-30 Sí, Miquel Martinez - clues to today's date are references to Ronald Reagan's statements on TV and the weather charts

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