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Sting is present at son Giacomo's birth in London
Photo or image related to event
Date: 1995-12-17
Location: London, England, UK - Portland Hospital
Attendees: Sting, Trudie Styler, Giacomo Luke Sumner

Sting's and Trudie Styler's son Giacomo Luke Sumner is born at the Portland Hospital in London, England, UK with Sting attending.

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source: internet, the 1996-1997 Mercury Falling Tour program features a report by Vic Garbarini - where he mentions interviewing Sting on the Lake House premises and then "a few days later" driving with Sting to London for today's birth - so maybe both spent a few days at Lake House before today's events (a bit of a problem is that the events that should have taken BEFORE the birth are introduced with a precise time and "winter solstice" - which should be December 21...)

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